DescriptionTraining Implementation of Electronic Filling & Document Management System for Oil & Gas Company & Service

Streamlining business processes & increasing productivity are fundamental  concerns for any organization private, public and nonprofit alike. In an increasingly strict regulatory environment, managing documents and records diverts significant time from an organization’s mission critical objectives. Document and records management system has many benefits that can appreciably improve organizational efficiency. Since these applications are complex systems that represent a solid investment, organizations should carefully evaluate their current and future needs beforehand. Records management systems simplify the lifecycle management of business records. A records management system supports the automatic enforcement of consistent organization records policies and reduces the cost of regulatory compliance. This training is divided into parts that clarify different aspects of document management and will cover the broad business benefits of document and records management systems, explanations of the basics of document and records management systems and specific system components crucial for improving business processes and the key elements for successful implementation of a document management system.


Record / document management makes it possible to:

  • Manage millions of documents and retrieve the right one in few minutes
  • Share documents with colleagues while protecting confidential information.
  • Email and fax files instantly.
  • Access documents while traveling.
  • Publish documents to CD, DVD or the Web, as appropriate.
  • Back up files and records for disaster recovery.


Records management system should provides:

  • Improved efficiency in the storage, retention and disposition of records and record series.
  • Detailed reports of which records are eligible for transfer, accession or destruction.
  • Audit trails to track all system activity and the entire life cycle of records.




This workshop is especially designed for the secretary and office support professionals who already have a background / work experiences in their current job.




Introduction of document management system

– Four Pillars of Document Management System

– Benefits of Document Management System


Document management define and the new understanding of document management system

– Type of data: Active or Non Active Data

– The players (employees, auditors, and administrators)

– Work Flow of data

– Urgency and sensitivity of data

– Check in / out procedures and Information Delivery

– Storage and distribution

– Security of data

– Legal issues of data, and audit work paper


Record management the details

– Total foot steps and time required for repetitive data collection in a day/week/month

– The work flow diagram (step by step analysis)

– Recognition of problems

– Reducing the repetitive steps


The gain of a better record management

– Cut costs

– Productivity improvement: Doing more with less

– Streamline administration: Fast distribution

– Improve customer service (bosses, vendors, customers, auditors)


Current practice  Problem and issues

– What are the current problems now?

– Who is maintaining the records?

– Issues among departments or levels?

– Did anyone tried to solve the problem?

– Examples, and current solutions

– Employer or customer policies on record management


Brainstorming session for workshop

– Current tools for record management

– Who needs the data most?


Workshop Part 1

– Identify data for sorting and labeling purposes

– Indexing practice for you and others


Essential components of record and management solutions

– Usability

– Capture

– Storage and archiving

– Distribution

– Integration and security

– Technical consideration


Implementation: Addressing your business needs

– Relocation consideration for data central system

– Scaling your project from departmental to whole company

– Train your staff and inform your bosses, vendors, customers, and auditors

– Support and maintenance

– Backup system

– Think big act locally in your department


Document and record management for future and maintenance

– Digital library

– Digital data transfer

– Scanning internal and outsourcing

– Interaction website database

– Internal and external data interaction for vendors, and customers


Workshop Part 2

– Sorting practice, the old and the smart way

– Labeling practice  personal preference or general / common structure


Introduction of document and record management software


Introduction of record management tools

– High speed scanner

– Website interaction and demonstration

– Barcode scanner


Workshop Part 3: Record Management System

  • Software familiarization & Practice

Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh

  • Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
  • Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla
  • Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard
  • Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy)
  • Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan)
  • 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack)
  • Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan)
  • Basement Tempat Parkir Motor dan Mobil yang Aman
  • Akses Internet Wireless
  • Smoking Area.
  • Sertifikat Keikutsertaan Training
  • Merchandise menarik dari Duta Pro Training & Consulting
  • Konsultasi dengan Instruktur/Narasumber setelah Pelatihan

Biaya Training

  • Rp 6.800.000,- / Peserta (termasuk penginapan, minimal 2 peserta)

Lokasi Training di Yogyakarta


  1. Jumlah Peserta dapat memperngaruhi biaya training.
  2. Biaya dan Lokasi diatas hanya untuk Private Training dan Public Training, untuk In House Training penawarannya dapat menghubungi kami dilink berikut (kontak kami).
  3. Jumlah peserta, jadwal training dan lokasi training dapat menyesuaikan permintaan.
  4. Pemintaan lokasi yang diluar daftar diatas dapat menghubungi kontak Marketing Kami.

Dapatkan Penawaran Harga Training Terbaik dari Kami!.

Untuk melihat jadwal pelatihan ini kunjungi Jadwal Training Update dan jika ingin mendaftar pelatihan public atau online training ini, silakan isi form di Formulir Pendaftaran.


Informasi Training Plaxis 3D di Jogja Pusat Pelatihan SDM Murah Terbaru Bulan Tahun Ini Diskon Biaya

Training Plaxis 3D – PLAXIS 3D adalah paket elemen hingga ditujukan untuk Analisis Tiga Dimensi Deformasi dan Stabilitas dalam Rekayasa Geoteknik. Konfigurasi Tiang Pancang yang pada umumnya digunakan adalah konfigurasi segi-empat padahal tidak menutup kemungkinan bentuk konfigurasi yang lain seperti segi-tiga atau segi-lima dapat menghasilkan efisiensi yang lebih baik dalam menahan beban Aksial dan Lateral. Perhitungan efisiensi dan daya dukung untuk konfigurasi segi-empat sangatlah mudah untuk diselesaikan tetapi untuk bentuk konfigurasi yang lain perhitungan manualnya sangatlah susah. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya tanah yang berlapis-lapis menyebabkan reaksi tanah yang tidak linier. Pelatihan ini sangatlah dibutuhkan dalam dunia Teknik Sipil khususnya Geoteknik dikenal Program Perhitungan Soil and Rock Mechanics yaitu PLAXIS 3D.

Training Plaxis 3D

Materi Training Plaxis 3D

  1. Introduction to Plaxis 3D: Geometry & Calculations
  2. Structural Elements in Plaxis 3D
  3. Modelling of a Raft Foundation
  4. Plaxis Output
  5. Modelling of Piles in Plaxis 3D
  6. Modelling of a Piled Group Foundations
  7. An Overview of Soil Models
  8. Modelling of Embankments
  9. Embankment Exercise
  10. Modelling of Groundwater
  11. Modelling of Excavations (or Tunnels)
  12. Discussion

Fasilitas Training

  • Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
  • Sertifikat Training
  • Modul Materi (Hard Copy & Soft Copy)
  • Flashdisk
  • Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan)
  • Souvenir Eksklusif
  • 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Jam 10:00 & 14:00)
  • Penjemputan Bandara – Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan)

Biaya Training

  • Rp 6.800.000,- / Peserta

Lokasi Training di Yogyakarta


  1. Jumlah Peserta dapat memperngaruhi biaya training.
  2. Biaya dan Lokasi diatas hanya untuk Private Training dan Public Training, untuk In House Training penawarannya dapat menghubungi kami dilink berikut (kontak kami).
  3. Jumlah peserta, jadwal training dan lokasi training dapat menyesuaikan permintaan.
  4. Pemintaan lokasi yang diluar daftar diatas dapat menghubungi kontak Marketing Kami.

Dapatkan Penawaran Harga Training Terbaik dari Kami!.

Untuk melihat jadwal pelatihan ini kunjungi Jadwal Training Update dan jika ingin mendaftar pelatihan ini, silakan isi form di Formulir Pendaftaran.

Formulir Pendaftaran

Contoh ; 29-30 Desember 2020

Jadwal Training Terbaru di Jogja, Sleman, & Bantul. Lihat Jadwal Fix Running dan Dapatkan penawaran harga murah & diskon dari Kami. Jadwal Training Bulan Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember Fix Running.
