Training Drilling Fluids Technology



In drilling step, required the drilling fluid to reduce the hit of drill bit. This drilling fluid has a function to lift the cutting up to the surface. It is important to know the types of drilling fluid, the chemical properties and the physical properties. This course would be expected for participants to know and recognize about drilling fluid.



  1. Rock characteristics
  • Sedimentary rock
  • Physical properties of rock
  • Mechanical properties of rock
  • Another characteristics
  • Rock types in drilling operation
  1. Drilling Fluid
  • Types and functions of drilling fluid
  • Chemical composition of drilling fluid
  • Physical properties of drilling fluid
  1. Planning
  • Types and properties of drilling mud selection
  • Hydraulic of drilling mud
  • Handling of solid in drilling mud
  1. Air and gas drilling fluid
  • Air and gas drilling fluid
  • Pneumatics and hydraulic of drilling fluid
  • Equipment in air and gas drilling fluid



Drilling and completion engineer, work over engineer, cementing engineer, mud engineer, logistic and marketing engineer, operation engineer and professionals who work and have relationship with oil and gas industri

Fasilitas Yang Diperoleh

  • Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
  • Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla
  • Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard
  • Modul / Handout(Hard Copy & Soft Copy)
  • Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan)
  • 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Snack)
  • Penjemputan Bandara Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan)
  • Basement Tempat Parkir Motor dan Mobil yang Aman
  • Akses Internet Wireless
  • Smoking Area.
  • Sertifikat Keikutsertaan Training
  • Merchandise menarik dari Duta Pro Training & Consulting
  • Konsultasi dengan Instruktur/Narasumber setelah Pelatihan

Biaya Training

  • Rp 6.800.000,- / Peserta (termasuk penginapan, minimal 2 peserta)

Lokasi Training di Yogyakarta


  1. Jumlah Peserta dapat memperngaruhi biaya training.
  2. Biaya dan Lokasi diatas hanya untuk Private Training dan Public Training, untuk In House Training penawarannya dapat menghubungi kami dilink berikut (kontak kami).
  3. Jumlah peserta, jadwal training dan lokasi training dapat menyesuaikan permintaan.
  4. Pemintaan lokasi yang diluar daftar diatas dapat menghubungi kontak Marketing Kami.

Dapatkan Penawaran Harga Training Terbaik dari Kami!.

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